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Judy Curnow Artist in Studio II_edited_e

Judy Curnow

Judy is predominantly a self-taught painter and started formal lessons with oil paint when she was just 12 years old.


Meeting Tim Wilson, one of New Zealand's most acclaimed landscape artists in 2009 changed her life. After viewing Judy's work Tim offered to mentor her and take her work to another level.

The amazing years spent with Tim enabled Judy's paintings to get to the level where they featured in his own exclusive gallery in Queenstown. As the value of Judy's paintings increased, so has her global profile and her work has become highly sought after in New Zealand and abroad.

Judy's style is impressionism, bordering fauvism, enhancing the colours and tones of the natural world. Painting mainly landscapes Judy finds this genre invigorating and reaches into the core of her imagination as an artist. She is fascinated with light and its constantly changing effects.


Painting full time from her studio in Akaroa, Judy draws inspiration from her surroundings. In her studio, Judy translates these observations from her life and selects her subjects with an eye attuned to their shape, colour, pattern and texture. She instinctively places these into balanced arrangements that reveal her renowned ability as a colourist and her confident eye for design.

Within her detailed paintings Judy wishes her work to give the viewer a sense of happiness and wellbeing, beauty and abundance as our world needs so much more of that.

One could say that her paintings are expressions of visual pleasure; the pleasure she has experienced in making the work and the pleasure it gives the viewer.

Judy Curnow
Recent Exhibition & New Arrivals

New York in Bloom - Judy Curnow 800mm x 800mm oil on linen $6,980.jpg

“New York in Bloom”

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 800 mm wide by 800 mm high

Price: $6980

Status: Available

Day Dreaming.jpg

“Day Dreaming”

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 1220 mm wide by 710 mm high

Status: SOLD

Soft Sunlight.png

“Soft Sunlight”

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 800 mm wide by 800 mm high

Price: $6980

Status: Available

Le Jardin Latest Cropped.jpg

"Le Jardin"

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 1000 mm wide by 700 mm high

Status: SOLD

Whispering Heights Latest cropped.jpg

"Whispering Heights"

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 1010 mm wide by 1010 mm high

Status: SOLD

The Gardiners Garden Latest Cropped.jpg

“The Gardiner’s Garden”

Medium: Oil on Berge Linen

Size: 1210 mm wide by 710 mm high

Status: SOLD

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